History and Philosophy of Fondasyon Chanje Lavi (FCL).
The establishment of the foundation named **FONDASYON CHANJE LAVI** is part of the context of sustaining local efforts for the expansion of UMOJA and Self Help Groups (SHG). On one hand, UMOJA is a Swahili name used in several African countries to describe the Church and Community Mobilization Process (CCMP). On the other hand, SHG translated into Haitian Creole as GSA (Gwoup Solidarity ann Akyon: Solidarity Groups in Action) is the social and economic micro entreprise movement that allowers the poorest of the poor to get access to a decent loan taken from its sacrificial savings. The CCMP is a participatory development approach that emphasizes the role of the local church as the main agent of mobilization for the comprehensive transformation of very poor communities. This approach was introduced in Haiti in 2012 by the international organization Tearfund and implemented through various evangelical missions, church groups, leagues, and Christian development agencies.